How to create a "Work in progress" banner for your website

My personal website is currently made in Symfony. Yeah, I know, not the best thing for this purpose, but I started it a few years ago, when I was younger and carelessler… A few days ago, I decided I wanted to refactor my website and create a whole new one, using a static site generator. Ended up deciding on Hugo, btw. As the old one was a bit, well, clunky, I wanted the new one to be online ASAP as possible....

How to override some domain names in your local network

In this tutorial you will learn how to override some domain names in your local network configuring a Response Policy Zone in the bind9 server

Hello World!

Hi! First, I wanted to present myself. I’m David Davó, a last-year CS student from Madrid, Spain. I love playing with computers, setting up things, then breaking them, and then fixing them and setting them up again. But sometimes, this requires remembering how the fuck did you do it to fix it last time, which can be difficult if you don’t have a very good memory. That’s why I’m setting up this thing, so the last time I break something in my home network or whatever, I can go here and fix it again....

Just Get My Data: Get your data from various web services

We all know that since the last couple of years we can ask any web that services EU citizens to delete our data, but… we can also ask them to send us our data, in a legible format. To prevent us from exerting our rights, a lot of sites use dark patterns, tricks that make you do things that you didn’t mean to, so you give up before finishing your task....