Computing information retrieval metrics in Pytorch Geometric

How to calculate metrics like precision@k, recall@k and r-precision for information retrieval and recommender systems in PyTorch Geometric

Abstract graph illustrating the article

Death to the algorithm: Alternatives to recommendation systems

Recommendation systems are useful, but sometimes we just want to discover new things by ourselves. In this article I present 6 alternatives to "the algorithm".

How to export your Pocket data to Omnivore

In this tutorial I provide a Jupyter notebook to exp your data from Pocket and upload it to Omnivoreort

Using ROS2 in Coppelia

With this tutorial you will learn how to use ROS2 in the Coppelia simulator (formerly V-REP) with the simExtROS2 library, using the lidar to build a map.

Compiling and publishing multilingual LaTeX with GitHub

I have been wanting to publish my CV in my personal site for quite some time, but first I needed to make sure that it was always up-to-date. I.e. that it was compiled and published automatically every time I made some changes to the source file. Since 5 years ago, my CV is written using LaTeX, using (and modifying) the Awesome CV template. On top of that, I added a few things to make it bilingual, compiling either in Spanish or English, making the document available in multiple languages....